The state resulting from the reinstatement of that which is deemed – being re-deemed.
Redemption is the condition in which the redeemed sinner finds himself or herself following the redeeming activity of the Redeemer.
The action that leads to the redemption of the sinner is much like that which leads to the recycling of cans and bottles for five cents in VT, MI, NY, MA, OR, or CT; except the recycled material is not tin or glass, but a whole person, the recycled is saved not from the trash heap but from sin and death (Romans 3:22), and the exchange is not in money but in the blood of Christ – the Redeemer. Remember the Happy Exchange from last month’s newsletter?
And what’s more, while we cannot leave you with a precise date for the Creation of the world, we can definitely show you on the calendar when Redemption begins to show up (on the church calendar, that is). Everything that has anything to do with this particular subject matter “kicks off” on or about the twenty-fourth of December. Once Jesus physically enters the world, Redemption is never left behind. Even more good news!
Pastor Bauer+ (with a BIG assist from Prof. Rolf Jacobson)