First of all I would like to thank each and every member of both, the Upper Fall River and Christ Lutheran congregations for your trust in voting me to bring me on full-time for the next three years. I will do my best to serve you in the way that God wishes me to do for His church. I ask for your prayers for the discernment to fulfill my duties and help and guide me in the growth of both congregations. I know with prayer, all things are possible.
As we look forward to February, we look towards Valentine’s Day. The day when we profess our love to those special people that God has placed in our lives. I question, why does it take a special day to do this? Would we not want to profess our love for each other daily? I know many of you do. Every day that we are given a new day with the people that we love, is another blessing from God. So as you make plans for your Valentine’s day celebration, reflect on the ones that you love. Remember why you fell in love with them in the first place. Let us not forget that by the love God, through Jesus Christ, you were given forgiveness, salvation, and the promise of eternal life.
A love like no other. Pastor Sue Ellen