Dear Friends in Christ,
Here we are in March. This year is marching right along. March starts to warm up a little. Perhaps it will even be nice enough that you can go outside and cure that cabin fever. January and February were cold, snowy and they tested us. Of course, ask a farmer and they had to go out anyway. Cattle do not wait on fair weather to eat, drink or calve. January and February tested our patience. Because most of us were stuck inside with our spouses and children. Unable to enjoy the outdoors. On the upside however, we had plenty of time to watch movies together, play board games and do some extra baking to heat the house a little more and spread the aroma of love throughout the home. When you are stuck inside, it is a good time for families to connect. It is a good time to read that book you have been putting off. Perhaps, even to pick up the Bible and read what God has done for you, what He has promised to do for you and bring you a little closer to Him. As we await the peeking of life coming from our gardens and flower beds, let us remember that we are also entering Lent. This is the time Jesus was tempted and he fasted. I hope this lent season will guide all of us through a journey to become closer to Him. God’s blessings to you all.
Peace be with you all, Pastor Sue Ellen