Another year that God has blessed us with. This is the time of the year that we reflect back. We may tend to start thinking about what we accomplished this past year. Did we get that bill paid off that we said we would? Did they last more than a month? I have found that it’s better for me, if I don’t make a resolution. I tend to not follow through the whole year. I start out like a fire ablaze, but that fire quickly sizzles out. I lose my attention quickly. As we look back on a year that is almost gone, how about we look back at all the blessings that God has given us this last year. God has blessed our family with a baby boy. Henry Edwards is perfect. (all babies are perfect though, aren’t they) Our daughter finished her schooling, passed her exams and became a licensed pharmacist. We all have our health, pretty good health, if I do say so myself. We have a roof over our head, food on our table and clothes on our back. There could have been so many mishaps but, the Lord has taken care of us, quite well. How about you? How many blessings has the good Lord given you this past year?
While we look forward to next year, let us not forget that we are still in Christmas. We are still celebrating the birth of Christ. Emmanuel, “God with us.” Perhaps my resolution would be to give more thanks to God, for everything. He has provided for us. How about you?
God’s Blessings to you all. Sue Ellen