“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully . . .” (1 Corinthians 13:12)
HATE is as all-absorbing as love, as irrational, and in its own way as satisfying. As lovers thrive on the presence of the beloved, haters revel in encounters with the one they hate. They confirm him in all his darkest suspicions. They add fuel to all his most burning animosities. The anticipation of them makes the hating heart pound. The memory of them can be as sweet as love.
On the other hand, LOVE is that part of us where in loving another one can be fulfilled and enriched by the experience. To hate another person is to be diminished and drained by it. Lovers, by losing themselves in their loving, find themselves, become themselves. Haters simply lose themselves. Theirs is the ultimately consuming passion.
Paul hits the nail on the head. I know only in part. But I Iearn, through the years, the importance and the place LOVE has in my life. I can’t always express it adequately, but I know that LOVE is … everything. Love is located, most specifically, right under your feet. God’s love created this world we are called to care for. And that includes the people we meet – and will meet – along the way. Simply put, LOVE is a WINNER. Don’t be a loser. Have a blessed 2023.