The first day of spring was officially on March 20 this year. So here we are in the middle of this yearly explosion of growth, of renewal, of creation flowering again in our part of the world.
And we look forward to Easter and the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection.
The world around us is reminding us in not-so-subtle ways about creation. The world of spring is somehow always new. The seeds that have been in the mini-pockets of peat and soil have broken through the limits of their pods and there are new plants ready to be nurtured, transplanted, placed in the garden; ready to be given their time to thrive and produce their beauty, to provide the food, the wonders that God designed into this thing called creation. Cows with their calves are everywhere. The gifts are just more obvious right now.
And the gifts are astounding!
In our Midweek worship and Confirmation studies we’ve recently looked at the Apostles’ Creed. Each time I go through this gem – this summary of God’s Word that tells us about God’s blessings for us – I smile. Because the gifts that are included in this brief summary of God’s work are everywhere, and they are complete. They include everything! And at the end of the explanation for each section in this Creed, you can hear the answer to the big question: WHY?
Go and dig out your catechism, or stop by the office and pick one up (I have a supply of a pocket version that I’d be glad to give you!). Read the summaries of the things that our God, the Father Son and Holy Spirit have done and still do for you – and it includes everything. Then look at the answers to that big question – WHY?
“All this only out of fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in me.”
“ . . . that I may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom and serve him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity. “
“On the Last Day He will raise me and all the dead, and give eternal live to me and all believers in Christ.”
This month we’ll celebrate Christ’s resurrection. The gift of a new creation is being given to you in this event. You are being brought back by the Holy Spirit to be with your creator, where you were made to be. Not because of anything that you have done, but only through this gift to you; the ultimate gift of God to you.
The final spring. The Resurrection.